It goes without saying smoking produces more detriments to a person’s health than any actual benefits.
Many smokers are aware of the dangers smoking poses to their overall health and many do make a genuine effort to quit for good. Unfortunately, however, many smokers who start a quit smoking program end up relapsing on their efforts. Helping smokers quit their habit permanently is an area Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) thrives in.
Current research shows an 80% success rate for clients who have had RTT.
For clients who want to quit their smoking habit permanently, the RTT therapist works with the client on addressing the reason they started the habit in the first place. Then the therapist instructs the client to communicate directly with the subconscious mind to identify what caused them tho start smoking and eliminate the cause . Removing the mental barrier keeps the client from returning to their smoking habit.
For clients who want to quit their smoking habit permanently, an RTT therapist will work with the client on addressing the reason they started the habit in the first place. This is achieved through hypnosis in which the RTT therapist instructs the client to communicate directly with their subconscious mind to identify what caused them to start smoking and eliminate the cause. By removing the cause, RTT effectively removes the mental barrier that keeps the client coming back to their smoking habit.
Vickie Barkley is a practitioner of RTT who trained directly under Marisa Peer and works with clients on helping them quit smoking. To learn more about how RTT can be used in smoking cessation goals and improve overall health, contact Vickie for a discovery call.